Foot and Ankle Activation for Dance

Horizontal Loading

A general foot and ankle activation for dance styles heavy on jumping, leaping, bounding, and foot work in elevation. Self-massage to promote fluid dynamics and foster tissue tolerance in fascial and other connective tissue; Small motor unit recruitment for stability (Type 1 muscles), Excitation to coordinate muscle groups in turning on and off; stimulation to prime your neural systems for work – this will also assist in warming up for pirouettes.

Self-Massage: Foot
time 2 min each foot
"How-to" self-massage for the feet
Set Time
1 2 min each foot h:m:s

A solid means of prepping fluids and connective tissues before every dance class or performance.

Big Toe Corkscrew SL Anterior Reach
reps 10 each side
Set Reps
1 10 each side

Feel into the spread of the toes in the corkscrew, and allow the fascial system to work for you. Prep for plies.

Split Squat Drop and Catch
reps 10 each side
Develops timing and enhances neuromuscular control in the sagittal planes integrating load.
Set Reps
1 10 each side

If you find this exercise challenging in the hip area, rub & scrub sacral area, reduce reps and choose the lightest weight possible. You can use your bag or water bottle if in a classroom or studio.

Lateral Bound with Rotational Wall Catch
reps 10 each side
Develops total body rotational control in the lateral direction.
Set Reps
1 10 each side

Widen your eyes while bounding for an additional boost from the ocularmotor + vestibular systems.