4Q Hip and Lower Body Mobility Warmup

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This hip and lower body mobility warm up will improve your movement efficiency, positional strength, tissue extensibility, to picking up and lowering loads in all directions.
This may help to address lower back and knee pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle or sitting for long periods of time.
When moving in a transverse plane picture that you’re in a clock and step one foot out to 3 and 9o’clock while maintaining the ground foot point at 12o’clock. Your hips are the round dial initiating the movement.

Supine Slide Hip Decouple
reps 10 on each side
intensity Light
Tempo controlled
Set Reps Intensity Tempo
1 10 on each side Light RPE Controlled

slider can be substituted with either a magazine, paper plate or no equipment.

Transverse Lunge Touchdown
reps 10 on each side
intensity Medium to Light
Tempo controlled
Set Reps Intensity Tempo
1 10 on each side Medium To Light RPE Controlled

I selected a medium to light intensity to highlight that you may feel a slight uptick to your heart rate.

KB Single Leg Squat Touchdown
reps 10 on each side
load moderate
Tempo controlled
Set Reps Load Tempo
1 10 on each side Moderate Controlled

Pick a Kettlebell weight that is moderate to maintain posture yet slightly challenging

T-Squat Swings
reps 10 on each side
load moderate
Tempo controlled
Set Reps Load Tempo
1 10 on each side Moderate Controlled