SISS – rolling hills – Peter R

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This is a walking protocol. The goal is to walk for an hour to start and gradually increase the duration of the walks. Outdoors just maintain a comfortable walking pace at a 3-6 rating of perceived exertion (RPE scale of 1-10 where 1 = easy & 10 = max effort). In other words maintaining a heart rate of about 60% of max effort. This can include rounds of golf (walking rounds) or treadmill work depending on weather. This is designed specifically to NOT be taxing, so you can gradually build up the endurance you will want for your trip. On a treadmill – spend the majority of the 60 minutes at 1% incline, but feel free to include 3-5 minute sections with an incline up to 5% but be sure to keep a steady heart rate so adjust speed accordingly. The pace adjusted to give you that effort level of 3-6 RPE.

Perform this walking routine 1x per week.

Treadmill Jog
time 60 min
intensity 3-6
Set Time Intensity
1 60 min h:m:s 3-6 RPE

WALK - not jog!